Not all frequencies in a frequency set are equally reliable -- the Smart Frequency Set algorithm ranks frequencies according to their susceptibility to intermodulation distortion. This allows you to prioritize channel assignments. Intermodulation analysis (IMA) is very CPU-intensive and requires millions of computations to generate all the potential intermodulation products that could interfere with your assigned transmitter frequencies. The density of intermodulation products will vary across a frequency range -- as a result, transmitter frequencies that are assigned to areas of low density are more reliable and less susceptible to intermodulation distortion (IMD). It comes down to a game of probabilities -- the lower the probability for IMD then the more reliable the assigned transmitter frequency.

Prioritize and Rank Frequencies According to Reliability

Smart Frequency Sets is a patented method of prioritizing and ranking frequencies free of interference from intermodulation products. The value that a Smart Frequency Set offers compared to a "basic" frequency set is in the way it groups and prioritizes frequencies -- from "best" to "worst". Where "best" means most reliable or least susceptible to interference from intermodulation products, and "worst" means least reliable. When preparing for a live performance the setup typically includes a variety of wireless audio gear -- some more important than others. With a Smart Frequency Set you can assign the most reliable channels to the most important transmitters and less reliable channels to less important transmitters.

Another advantage of the Smart Frequency Set compared to a basic frequency set is that in most situations you'll have a greater number of frequencies to work with and to assign to wireless audio gear, including frequencies ranked at the strictest intermod level that can be assigned to your high priority wireless transmitters. For example, consider a frequency range of 470 MHz to 500 MHz. A basic frequency set generated under the strictest conditions will include approximately 18 frequencies. The corresponding Smart Frequency Set will include approximately 33 frequencies. So, not only does a Smart Frequency Set give you more channels to work with, it also includes frequencies ranked at the strictest level that you can assign to your high priority wireless transmitters.

A basic frequency set is composed of frequencies from a single intermod stringency level and there is no concept of grouping by stringency or ranking frequencies within the set. As a result, a basic frequency set will always need to wrestle with the trade-off between intermod stringency and number of frequencies in the set. If you need more channels then you'll have to relax the intermod stringency (and, hence, the reliability) of the set. Or, if you have need of greater reliability then you'll have fewer frequencies to work with. On the other hand, a Smart Frequency Set includes the best of both worlds -- it maximizes the number of frequencies you get to work with and, at the same time, includes frequencies with the highest degree of intermod stringency and reliability.

To summarize, a Smart Frequency Set offers the following advantages compared to a Basic frequency set:
1. More frequencies to work with
2. Prioritizes and ranks frequencies according to reliability -- which allows for channels to be assigned to transmitters based on their importance